2018 Racial Profiling Report 2018 Racial Profiling Report | Page 111

When further reviewing contraband hits , it becomes very evident that the vast majority of hits resulted in either an arrest or citation . The overall enforcement rate was 96.1 %, or 1860 enforcements out of 1938 contraband hits . Further analysis of the enforcement rate reveals APD ’ s enforcement of contraband was consistent across racial / ethnic groups .
More specifically , the rate for African Americans was 95.9 %, the Hispanic enforcement rate was 96.4 % and the Caucasian rate was 96.1 %. The Asian and Middle Eastern enforcement rates collectively accounted for only 33 out of 1938 contraband hits and had an enforcement rate of 94 %.
When analyzing the distribution of contraband hits across racial / ethnic groups , it is readily apparent that only three groups account for the vast majority of all discovered contraband . More specifically , African American , Caucasian and Hispanic drivers collectively accounted for 98.1 % ( 1902 out of 1938 ) of all contraband hits .
In conclusion , this analysis demonstrates APD ’ s enforcement outcomes stemming from 2018 traffic stop searches were consistent across racial / ethnic groups . As such , it supports the supposition of APD ’ s equal application of its lawful police authority .
The data in this analysis were derived from all police service incidents occurring 1 / 1 / 2018 through 12 / 31 / 2018 , and cleared via police dispatch with the typecode of traffic stop . These data were pulled from the calls for service table dbo _ PDStats , and excludes any data invalidated through administrative review . The excluded data was statistically insignificant . The same data sets were utilized for the 2018 Racial Profiling report .
1 / 29 / 2018 Page 4 Patina Clements , CAU Supervisor