2018 Messenger May 2018 Messenger | Page 2

S lighting the C hurch from page 1 More simply from the Apostle John: “They went out from us… that it might become plain that they all are not of us” (1 Jn 2:19). The visible church is given pastors and teachers called and gifted by God for ministry. They are tasked with utilizing the means of grace (word, sacraments and prayer), likewise given to the visible church, whereby sinners are saved and saints are sanctified. Outside this realm of ministers and ministry, this realm of salvation, is another realm, the realm of Satan and destruction (1 Cor 5:5; cf Mt 18:17). Given our “collapsing ecclesiology” today, is it not vital that this message of the indispensability of the church be broadcast far and wide? —TLJ Youth Choir at Second Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Music Ministry Just a few facts you need to know about our choirs: Handbell Choir is taking a break until the fall. The Chapel Choir (ages 2 nd grade-5 th grade) will attend Summer Waves on Jekyll Island on May 19. The cost is free if you were regularly attending Chapel Choir prior to April 1; otherwise the cost is $19.95. If we go with 15 or more, the cost goes down to $15.00. The Children will need a towel, lunch money, a bathing suit, and sunscreen. Lunch is available there and will cost $10-15. We leave church at 9:00 a.m. and return at 5:00 p.m. Forms will be available in the Choir Room to be filled out by May 1. The Youth Choir had a wonderful trip to Greenville, S.C., singing at Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville on Sunday morning, April 15. Thank you to Tevis Garnett who directed the choir, Caitlin Frasure who accompanied the choir, and John Garnett who planned and arranged the entire trip. Thank you to chaperones Andy and Stacy Nix, and Marc and Lucy Biemiller. All of these adults made this trip possible. The Youth Choir will sing at Point Pleasant on May 27 or June 3. The date will be firmed up in early May. They will be singing during our usual hymn singing time of 5:15 p.m. The Sanctuary Choir will continue to sing through June. However, Wednesday, June 13, will most likely be our last rehearsal until August. Kathryn Van Eck PAGE 2 MAY 2018 IPC