2018 Messenger August 2018 Messenger | Page 2

Keys of the Kingdom from page 1 merely go . They are sent : Who sends them ? The church .

Keys of the Kingdom from page 1 merely go . They are sent : Who sends them ? The church .

And how are they to hear without someone preaching ?
And how are they to preach unless they are sent ? ( Rom 10:14b-15a )
The church assesses the qualifications of leaders ( 1 Tim 3 ; Titus 1 ). The church ordains , authorizes , and sends preachers , as with Paul and Barnabas ( Acts 13:1-4 ). The church places the keys into the hands of those called to preach .
Moreover , the church baptizes new believers into the fellowship of the church . This is crucial because the church has the keys to heaven . “ What shall we do ?” those convicted of their sins cry out ( Acts 2:37 ). The answer of Peter is surprising for those thinking along narrowly individualistic lines . “ Repent and be baptized ,” he urges ( Acts 2:38 ). This is the consistent pattern . Baptism , like circumcision before it , is the rite of admission into the community of the people of God ( Col 2:11 ; Rom 4:11 ). Those who believe are baptized and added to the number of the church ( Acts 2:41 , 47 ). The Samaritans ( 8:17 ), Ethiopian eunuch ( 8:36 , 38 ), Saul of Tarsus ( 9:18 ), Cornelius ( 10:47 , 48 ), Lydia and her household ( 16:15 ), and Philippian jailer and his household ( 16:33 ) are all baptized into the membership of the church . It is accurate to say that the book of Acts does not recognize churchless Christianity . To be a Christian is to be a member of the church . To be outside of the church therefore , is still to be in the realm of darkness ( Col 1:13 ). Those removed from the church are said to be “ deliver ( ed ) to Satan ” ( 1 Cor 5:5 ), to the “ god of this world ” who blinds the minds of unbelievers ( 2 Cor 4:4 ). Outside the church the keys are unavailable .
Want to be admitted into heaven ? The church has the key that unlocks the door . Jesus is the door ( Jn 10:7 ), but the church has the key . The health , the well-being , the growth of every believer is dependent upon the ministry of the church . Joining the church should never be considered dismissively . Actively participating in and contributing to the life and ministry of the church should never be considered optional . Because Jesus has committed the keys of the kingdom to the church of God , every believer must go to the church to receive that ministry which will feed and sustain his or her soul .
Someone may object : I get more out of my Bible study group than I do the ministry of the church . Another may object : I get more out of my quiet time than I do out of church . Still others may object : I get more out of listening to my favorite preacher online than I do out of church . All three objectors may then wrongly order their priorities according to their perceptions , abandoning the local church in the process . All three may conclude that the church is expendable in light of the greater utility of their preferred alternative . of secondary importance to the well-being of our souls . We also need the preaching and teaching of those called by God and authorized by the church . We need as well the prayers of the two or more offered in the assembly of the church which Jesus has promised to answer . We need the oversight and accountability provided by church leaders . God is sovereign and may bless His word outside of the church . Undoubtedly He has done so . Yet shouldn ’ t our commitment be to that organization and the ordinary means by which He has promised to bless His people ?

Dead Theologians ’ Society 2018

Looking for fellowship with other men ? Interested in discussing meaningful spiritual subjects ? Join us for the remaining 2018 Dead Theologians ’ Society reading club meetings at the following dates / locations :
Wednesday morning , 6:50AM , Johnsons ’ home , 110 Lee Blvd . * breakfast served
Thursday noon , I . P . C . Administration Building 2 nd floor classroom * bring sack lunch
Thursday noon ( Pooler ), “ Miss Sophie ’ s Marketplace ” @ Mighty Eighth Museum * purchase lunch
Aug . 29 , 30 , Sept . 6 ( Pooler ) Spiritual Depression , Martyn Lloyd-Jones , pp 219-300
Sept . 26 , 27 , Oct . 4 ( Pooler ) Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God , J . I . Packer
Oct . 31 / Nov . 1 , Nov . 8 ( Pooler ) Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God , J . I . Packer
Nov . 28 , 29 , Dec . 6 ( Pooler ) Introductory Essay to John Owen ’ s The Death of Death in the Death of Christ , by J . I . Packer
December — no additional meetings
Our answer ? It ’ s not the same , whatever our perceptions may be . The sacraments are not available online . Neither are they