2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 99

Good Place 2 B Back Row: Front Row: Absent: Gaye Evans-Love (Guidance Counsellor), Amber-Rose Stinton, Ben Pogai, Miss Emma Lord (Teacher) Caitlin Hedge, Stephanie Houghton, Imre Scheidegger, Kara Billing, Victoria Stobart Mr Jeremy Bradshaw (Teacher) HNHS: A Good Place 2B In 2017 an anonymous survey was undertaken of all students from years 9-13, with the purpose of understanding how bullying affects students at Havelock North High School. Following this, a working group was established to look at issues and how to address them. Whilst most students felt that HNHS was a safe and inclusive place, this was not the experience for all. • During 2018 the inaugural group of staff/students have set the foundation for future students to build on. Projects selected throughout 2018 have focused on feedback from the 2017 survey. Projects have included: • Pink Shirt Day 2018 • Developing a logo for group (Imre) • Poster campaigns • ’Choose 2B the Change’ • Kayla Simpson Artwork Posters with anti-bullying themes • Schoology Messages - linked to poster campaign around school • Assembly promotion of group and projects/ regular invitations to students to attend and participate in the group. • • • Anonymous Box: sited in Student Centre where students can report concerns, share information, ask for help, provide comments to the group. This feedback is initially viewed by the School Guidance Counsellor (who manages student privacy). Students include on feedback who they would like to view feedback. Design of badge making group members easily identifiable (students can then approach) Fundraising to offset costs associated with group. We have appreciated the generous donations from the Hastings City Council (Mayoral Fund) and the Havelock North Rotary Club in assisting with purchasing badges. We appreciate their support. Schoology update bullying messages in Term four. Lunchtime meetings have been a mix of discussion, planning, project coordination and students especially should be very proud of what they have contributed over the course of the year. A task moving forward is to consider further ways to grow the group. Meetings are open to any students who support Havelock North High School being a welcoming and inclusive place for all students. 99