2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 100

H Havelock Singers Back Row: 3rd Row: 2nd Row: Front Row: Absent: Min-Joo Kim, Poppy Kelly, Sunny Wang, Aida Mackenzie Mapel, Jackson Parsons, Renee Thompson, Kaiya Read-Butcher Jaime Luisi, Cameron Brizzle, Drew Olsen, Jonty Godfrey, Jude Snee, Bryan Liem, Philip Kim, Amanda Kelly Ethan Broadley, Nina Blair, Samuel Harris, Jasper Ross, Oliver Taylor, Joshua Kirk, Charliot Miller, Mrs Susan Melville Eleanor Squires, Victoria Stobart, Erika Bass, Serah Hartley, Roksolana Tsyatsko, Caitlin Hedge, Keshavleen Kaur, Emilie Horsfall Niamh Mason, Elizabeth Fall, Adelle Cotter Havelock Singers This year Havelock Singers has performed in several events, including the Big Sing and the HNHS Music Festival. We have a wide range of voices including girls and boys across year 9-13. As a non-auditioned choir, Havelock Singers is a good opportunity for anyone to get involved in the school’s music program whether you have past experience or not. In 2018 we have learnt a variety of songs, from musicals to NZ composers. Being in Havelock Singers is a great chance to try out something new and learn different musical styles. I have enjoyed participating in Havelock Singers these past two years and under the tutelage of Mrs Melville, we have improved a lot. I would recommend anyone to give the choir a go. Emilie Horsfall Big Sing choral festival, the second time in our choir’s history. With the vigor of victory in our sails, we followed up with a strong performance at the HNHS music festival. This year sees the departure of many valuable senior members of Future Prospect. Jude Snee, Drew Olsen, Phillip Kim, Sean Arcus, Samuel Harris, and Oliver Taylor. Their leadership, talent, knowledge, enthusiasm, humor, encouragement, and most of all companionship, shall be missed. Luckily, new boys entered the choir to take up the reigns. Oliver Cain, Daniel Cunningham, Ethan Hedge, Connor Grant and Jackson Parsons have all proven to be valuable members of FP and we look forward to their continued involvement. The members of Future Prospect made attending practices worth it, be it to sing together or simply chat. I hope our brotherhood lasts long after graduation. Future Prospect Future Prospect would be nothing without Mrs Susan Melville. Her positive, cheery attitude is how she gets us to focus in practices. The active, engaging creative process she utilities when we choreograph new performances is great; she has the ability to bring the best out in every single chorister on stage. She is truly one of the best choir directors in the Bay. Every past, present, and Future Prospect-er is forever grateful for her contribution to our lives.. Next year promises to be interesting, as the new guard takes charge. Will we win the Big Sing? Will we put on an end of the year concert? Anything’s possible. No matter what, I look forward to standing “shoulder to shoulder, bolder and bolder, as we go to the fore.” Future Prospect, the HNHS boys choir, has had its best year while I’ve been a part of the choir. Though it was sad to see last year’s director David Selfe leave, the return of HNHS’s go-to choral director and vocal tutor Susan Melville foreshadowed the success to come. With our unique comedic style of performance, we were able to achieve the coveted adjudicator’s award at the North Island East Coast regional Jasper Ross 100