2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 89

Volleyball A Girls Back Row: Front Row: Zharnei Adams, Sally Cottrell, Maddy Clarke, Jorja Pollock, Ian Johnson (Coach) Molly Lee, Niamh Edwards, Phoebe Leake (Captain), Grace Brebner (Captain), Felicity Keane, Laura Garrick Volleyball 2018 This year we had over 100 players spread across twelve teams. My thanks to the following who coached or managed teams: Malcolm Nicholson; Debbie Nicholson; Julia McNamara; Nicky Johnson; Mike Rabbitte; Keren Keane; Robyn Leake; Melanie Garrick; Anet Peck; Julian Lumbreras; Maddy Clarke; Laura Garrick; Niamh Edwards and Jorja Pollock. Girls A HBSS League: 6th place Division 1 As a result of dropping a match to Sacred Heart College, we ended up playing off for 5th/6th. This was disappointing, but a good lesson about not to underestimating anyone was learnt. HBPB Open: 2nd place Structured tournament play rather than playing games to time definitely suited us better. We had excellent wins against Taradale and Hastings Girls in pool play to finish first. We then met Sacred Heart in our semi and won that comfortably 3 nil. Our final against Napier Girls, although lost 3 nil was a much more competitive game than previous ones had been. Seeding: 3rd place In this round robin tournament we had good wins against Taradale, Havelock B and Hastings Christian. Although we lost to Napier Girls, we managed to take a set off them for the first time this season. Nationals: 12th place Division 3 The ability of all teams at this tournament continues to get better and better. The girls generally played great volleyball 89