2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 81

Orienteering NISS-NZSS Back Row: George Hunt, Sophia McKeefry, Lorcan Rabbitte, Roksolana Tsyatsko, Ollie Sowman 3rd Row: Blake Campbell, Bruno McDonald, Max Buller, Jessica White, Amy Jenkins, Alex Miller, Oscar Sowman, Karsen Vesty 2nd Row: Jono Williams, Elijah Moore, Jonty McGrath, Will Tidswell, Finlay Keip, Oscar Smyth, Connor Grant, Cameron Potts, Mr G Morrison (Coach) Front Row: Lily Stephens, Amy Culham, Abbie Lythgoe, Thomas Culham, Jenna Tidswell, Renee Thompson, Rani Williams, Kaiya Read-Butcher Absent: Phoebe Till, Sam Miller, Aishlin McIntyre Orienteering schools. Best performances in the individual events were from Will (dual winner) again and sister, Jenna, in the sprint after both had just returned from Hungary. An outstanding performance came from Karsen Vesty in the junior race, finishing second in the long, just 10 days after smashing his wrist in a cycling accident and running the race with a cast on. The relays on the last day were a nightmare. The less said the better, and cost the boys any chance of finishing in the top three in the Top School competition. Since when has ice skating been part of orienteering? Well when you are in Christchurch at the NZSS champs! Elijah Moore glided while others clung to the fence. Finlay Keip was more aggressive and skated at speed in straight lines but floundered on the corners. Rogaining is a long distance event with some of our top orienteers having great success. At the HBSS rogaine, Amy and Thomas Culham won senior mixed over four hours, while Jonty McGrath, Cameron Potts and Lorcan Rabbitte won junior over three hours The NZSS rogaine championships in Rotorua saw the senior win go to the Tidswell combo, accumulating more points than anyone else doing the six hours. Blake Campbell combined with Woodford House’s Tessa Burns to finish 3rd in senior mixed, while Lorcan Rabbitte and Karsen Vesty finished 3rd in junior boys. The end of the season saw the end of the era of Jenna Tidswell whose group had been involved in the winning of the World Schools title in Turkey. After years of winning school titles, it is all over. Along with fellow winners, Alex Miller and Aishlin McIntyre, they have taken HNHS orienteering to the highest stage. Orienteering continues to be one of the most successful sports in the school. Stars of the team are the Tidswell siblings. Both Jenna and Will represented NZ in the U21 championships held in Hungary; Will being the youngest ever representative from New Zealand. Not only did they represent NZ, they also worked hard for the school team, setting courses for the weekly Friday practices. There were numerous highlights from the year, including performance on the ice at the NZSS Champs in Christchurch. The season started with sprint courses at the Showgrounds on Open Day evening. Three wins were there, with Thomas Culham and Jenna Tidswell winning in the senior grade and Will Tidswell, intermediate. The NISS champs on the Kapiti Coast was next up, with Jenna and Will both doing the double (sprint and long course). Will teamed up with Thomas Culham and Blake Campbell to take out the senior relay. Four wins out of six at the HBSS long distance champs with Will and Jenna (senior), Cameron Potts (intermediate) and Lorcan Rabbitte (junior) the victors. Finally, it was the HBSS relay, with three wins, Jonty McGrath, Conner Grant and Cameron Potts combined to win the intermediate grade, while in the girls, Alex Miller, Amy Culham and Jenna Tidswell (senior) and Lily Stephens, Rani Williams and Phoebe Till (intermediate) were winners. The Top School competition points were tallied at the completion of the three disciplines with the school team winning both boys and girls. A large school team of 29 headed to Christchurch for the NZSS champs, with the boys team coming home with the Premier Schools trophy. This trophy is awarded to the team that produces the best performance at the elite level. Points scored by Will Tidswell, Blake Campbell, Lorcan Rabbitte and Karsen Vesty were enough to head off the rest of the Mr G Morrison, Coach 81