2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 60

C Cricket 1st XI Boys Back Row: 2nd Row: Front Row: Absent: Oscar Field, Mason Cook, Alexander Philip, Ted Rainger, Tristan Mudaly Mr Andy Reeves (Coach), Josh Lawson, Hamish Jackson, Mr James Rainger (Manager) Alex Reed, Blake Campbell, Guy Reeves, Rogan Ross, Oscar Sowman Liam Shackleton 2017 was the pinnacle of achievement for cricket at HNHS. The 1st XI became Hawke’s Bay Secondary School Champions and completed a very successful and enjoyable cricket tour to the UK. Such a triumphant year was always going to be tough to follow and the start of the 2018 season proved a challenge. Not least because some senior players chose to play higher level club cricket and a couple of our multi-talented sportsmen were required to put greater focus on football much earlier than usual. Even so, the 1st XI was undefeated in the Hawke’s Bay 2nd Division and should have made the cup final in March. The girls continue with their 8-a-side competition on Thursdays and the Hawke’s Bay Girls representatives are encouraged to play women’s club/boys’/men’s cricket to help develop their game to the highest level. HNHS is keen to encourage and nurture girls’ cricket and with Aimee Kay representing Hawke’s Bay Under 15s and many other good young cricketers developing, well the future is looking rosy for girls cricket once more. Sophie Pyott, who left HNHS in 2017, represented St Lawrence and Highland Court CC last winter in the Southern England Ladies League as a result of coming on the school cricket tour. On a very positive note, though, we have a great deal of talent and enthusiasm in the Colts team who beat both of Napier Boys’ Colts teams this year, which bodes very well for the future. The 1st XI cricket wicket has been given a total upgrade and the second HNHS Cricket Tour is pencilled in for July 2020. It is the ideal time to consolidate and develop the school’s cricket. If you are a cricket follower or have children playing cricket in the younger age groups, you will know that the game is changing. The number of teenagers playing cricket is falling rapidly and NZ Cricket is looking to invest in and change the nature of junior cricket to increase participation and enjoyment. As a result, some changes to the school leagues have been made for Term four. For our senior boys, we have devised a new strategy. Expecting a high school team to compete in a men’s grade has not helped teenage players to enjoy the game nor allowed them to develop their skills appropriately. End-of-year exams mean many players cannot commit to being available every weekend and, at the same time, we had several squad members like Hamish Jackson having ambitions to play for Hawke’s Bay Under 19s and Alex Philp for theUnder 17s. In order to offer senior cricket at an appropriate level for ALL our cricket players on Saturdays including Colts and Girls, we have integrated with Havelock North Cricket Club, who have sides playing at Premier, Senior, 2nd and 3rd Grades. James Rainger and I are running the 2nd Grade club side and former HNHS 1st XI coach Peter Young is running the 3rd Grade side. The HNHS Colts and Junior teams will continue to play in the Colts and Junior 20/20 grades on Wednesday afternoons. This is now a 9-a-side competition. When the new school year starts in Term 1, the HNHS 1st XI will reform and will represent the school in a schools competition against other High School 1st XI teams, the 60