2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 53

Basketball Senior A Girls Back Row: Carla Millar (Manager), Maddy Johnston, Mya Streeten-Matairangi, Nicole Richmond, Amanda Kelly, Kaine Hokianga (Coach) Shannon Nohokau, Emma Millar, Megan Swanepoel, Memory Forbes, Helena Allsopp Front Row: Absent: Eleanor Major, Atalia Thompson Thompson and Eleanor Major (Hastings Christian School). seconds and, with the scores tied, we went into overtime! Unfortunately we lost the overtime by 3 points with the final score being 63 - 60. Although we came second, I believe this tournament helped us grow and develop as a team. The Senior A Girls team started with pre-season training in term one to practice skills before the team was selected. The team includes a good representation of all senior year levels. A highlight during the season was our highest score against Wairoa College, winning 99 - 23. One of our best games was against St Joseph’s Māori Girls College, they are at a similar level to us which meant we fought hard until the buzzer to take the win. Our semi final game was against Hastings Girls’ High School. Earlier in the season, we were beaten pretty convincingly by them and we were determined to perform better in the semi final game. Although we did lose, we halved the deficit from our earlier game and showed the improvement we had made throughout the season. We completed the season coming in third place in the Hawke’s Bay Secondary Schools competition in Division One. There was no third and fourth playoff game because final placings were determined by the results from throughout the year. We only lost to the teams that played in the final, which meant we were a clear third in our division. This was an excellent result for our team and an improvement on last year’s season. Our season ended with us putting all of our effort into perfecting our skills for the Schick Central Cup held in Whanganui. This trip was by far the best experience we had as a team, with Maureece van Schaik scoring 37 points and 18 rebounds in one game! Although we didn’t win, we did have an amazing time. We won our final game, 92 - 75, against Campion College to place 7th overall. I’m glad to say I have played for this team and I am looking forward to see how they go in the years to come. They have put in awesome effort this year and should be recognised for it. I’d like to acknowledge our coach, Cairo Kotuhi, for giving up his time and effort throughout the season. It was his first year as a coach and he did a great job. I’d also like to acknowledge Ms Shelley Smith for giving up her time to manage our team and for looking after us at the tournament in Whanganui. Without either of them, the season would not have been what it was. On behalf of the team, thank you very much to you both. The HNHS Invitational Tournament saw teams from Campion College, Taradale High School, and William Colenso College come together to compete with us at the end of term two. This was a great chance to test ourselves and see what progress we had made from the start of the year. We were well beaten by Campion College in our first game, but bounced back well to beat Taradale and William Colenso. Wairoa College were scheduled to compete also but pulled out at the last minute. A win by default against them saw us into the final to play Campion. They were, Meihana Jennings and Kaine Hokianga. 2018 Senior A Girls’ Team Division One, HNHS Invitational Tournament, and Schick Central Cup team: Megan Swanepoel, Emma Millar, Nicole Richmond, Helena Allsopp, Mya Streeten-Matairangi, Shannon Nohokau, Memory Forbes, Maddy Johnston, Amanda Kelly, Atalia 53