2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 46

T Taiohi Tu Committee Lucy Kingi, Meihana Jennings, Carla Millar (Teacher) Taiohi Tu The Taiohi Tu committee in 2018 included Meihana Jennings and Lucy Kingi, along with teacher, Mrs Carla Millar. The purpose of the committee is to show leadership and be involved with the many activities and events that are connected to tikanga Māori at school. This year we were joined by senior students who helped out with pōwhiri for the Tawa summer exchange, the mid-year arrival of international students, Mr Hart, and other students, and senior prizegiving. We hosted the mid-winter Matariki event and were pleased to have fellow student, Rylee Edwards, give an explanation of Matariki in both te reo Māori and English. Our role has also been to support our fellow students by leading and helping with upskilling them in waiata and haka. We have connected with many Māori students in our school as well, particularly leading up to Mana Tauira, the end of year event which is a celebration for senior Māori and Pasifika leaving students. The Taiohi Tu committee have continued to strive to have Māori language, culture, and identity reflected in daily life at Havelock North High School. Mana Tauira 2018 46