2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 41

Environmental Committee Back Row: Samantha Tait, Kara Billing, Josh O’Halloran, Brodie Shannon, Grant Hanson, Ms Jones (Teacher) Front Row: Anna Murfitt, Zane Shadbolt, Nina Blair, James Ford, Alice Lindsay Environmental Committee The Environmental Committee of 2018 was involved in many activities throughout the year. First, we helped with the NZ Association for Environmental Education Sea-week, where many of our members spent a Saturday collecting rubbish found on the Napier shoreline, with a trailer filled before the end of the day. Special thanks to all those teachers who have helped make our duties easier during the year, to our junior members for getting stuck in and to Ms Jones for being our Teacher in Charge. To mark the occasion of ‘World Water Day’ on the 22nd of March the committee held a water awareness event in the school quad at lunchtime. Students were able to make water cycle bracelets, race water drops, catch water balloons and guess how much water was in a jar. We aimed to get our students thinking about the preciousness of our fresh water. This year we took on the challenge of leaving our mark on the school. We came together as a committee and decided we would like to create a mural as a way to leave a message for future students at the school. We then held a competition so that enthusiastic and creative students could get their say in what they would like the mural to look like. We decided to take elements from several of the designs entered. With the final design finished and a location for the mural selected, the next step is to paint it before the start of the new school year. As always, the Environmental Committee took on the task of weekly recycling and composting around the school and in the classrooms. Every Friday form time, committee members would make sure all the bins were emptied and ready to be recycled. We have also replanted our school vegetable garden and hope to reap a bumper crop! Students taking part in a range of activities for World water day 41