2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 38

A Academic Committee Back Row: Ted Rainger, Kate McKendrey, Fallon Hendrie, Ella Morgan Front Row: Meg Kain, Mitchell Beserra, Imke Kitchin, Oscar Treadwell, Gabrielle Bell Absent: G Sparling-Fenton (Deputy Principal) Academic Committee The year of 2018 has seen a fresh take on the Academic Committee, with a new team and new ideas to accompany them. This year we strived to help promote the acknowledgment of academic success as well as to foster a supportive and thriving atmosphere for everyone. We started the year off strong with an academic assembly to acknowledge all those students who achieved highly in the previous year’s results. This included a large amount of students who had both NCEA level and individual subject endorsements. Finally, on the second last day of school we ran another academic assembly, but this time to acknowledge students achievements throughout the year. With a whopping 89 students receiving awards for achieving seven or more excellences in internal assessments the assembly was very successful. It has been a huge achievement and pleasure to help organise these events, but without the help of the other year 13s on the committee and Miss Sparling Fenton, then none of this would have been possible. Mitchell Beserra and Imke Kitchin During the next two terms our focus shifted towards organising a peer-to-peer tutoring program for all students participating in NCEA exams at the end of the year. A wide number of year 13s, including almost all members of the Academic committee volunteered many hours out of their busy schedules to help the younger student. This offered the ability for students to not only expand their knowledge but to also develop confidence and communication skills for the future. Along with running the tutoring program we also decided to introduce a new event to the roster of school activities, one aimed towards mental aptitude rather than physical. The Inter-Form quiz was held during term three and consisted of 39 form classes coming together to battle for the prize of smartest form. Teams of six students from each form class endured four knockout stages to put their wits to the test. In the end, the quiz was a big hit with the students and brought something different to break up the school year. 38