Apes Non Sunt Solitaria Natura
Bees Are Not of a Solitary Nature
Throughout the scrapbook, the theme will be represented through its many different identities. The different color backgrounds are meant to each resemble a subway color line, and the dashed lines as an allusion to roads. To honor the great Greeks and Romans who allowed for such organization as the JCL to be created, I will also be including quotes relating to the topics of certain pages.
Even the content of the photographs will speak to the theme. More likely than not, they will be composed of multiple people rather than just one. once again this speaks to human's underlying need for human interaction and the value of friendship. To conclude, let us end with a quote from Seneca: "Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem" or "As long as we are among humans, let us be humane."