2018/19 Budget Communication 2018_2019 BUDGET COMMUNICATION | Page 101

either virtually the same or even smaller amounts for 2018/19 than they were allocated in 2017/18. Similarly, the tax reductions that we are announcing are selective and in line with our social and policy commitments to Bahamians. The various increases in fees, service charges and taxes that are being implemented have been selected to advance environmental and energy efficiency objectives and/or judiciously enhance revenues. The bottom line is that we must pay off the massive backlog of arrears, judiciously finance our policy agenda, meet our deficit targets and set the stage for the pending reductions in Customs duties. That is a most daunting fiscal policy challenge indeed that requires decisive, though difficult, policy action. To address that challenge, we are proposing a three- year fiscal strategy that will allow us to both deal with the 98