2018/19 Budget Communication 2018_2019 BUDGET COMMUNICATION | Page 100

Ø Eleventh, the mandated requirement to meet deficit objectives of 1.8 per cent of GDP in 2018/19, 1.0 per cent in 2019/20 and 0.5 per cent in 2020/21. With all of these fiscal pressures at play, it is estimated that we would face a significant fiscal gap in 2018/19 and beyond that would need to be eliminated if we are to fully meet the mandated deficit targets. In assessing options to secure the attainment of the deficit targets, the choices available to us are limited. In developing the Budget framework, we have only approved new funding allocations in respect of Recurrent and Capital Expenditure that are of the highest priority to the Government’s policy agenda. Indeed, it will be noted that, close to one-half of the Budget Heads have been allocated 97