The hardest class that I have had
would geometry I don’t really
understand the stuff that they are
teaching .It really only have a lit-
tle algebra which I have spent my
whole freshman year learning so it is
hard to remember something that I
did 6 years ago .I have took pictures
of the step we have done in algebra
and redid them so I would know
what to easiest class is aca-
demic bowl because we just review
on what we already know. I learned
how to tell the difference in hair in
forensic science , also different types
of blood visual design I
know how to Photoshop things now.
“I have stepped up to
the challenge, which
caused me to stay up
until 3am to finish
My hardest class is physics, be-
cause it is very confusing. I have
stepped up to the challenge, which
caused me to stay up until 3am to
finish homework. My easiest class
is pre-calculus, only because our
teacher has been reviewing algebra 2
for the past 2 weeks, and it is so easy.
I honestly haven’t learned anything
in that class, since I already know
what we’re doing. -Jared
I think my hardest class right now
is chemistry and I have stepped to
the challenge of that class taking a
lot of notes and paying really close
attention so I can know everything
in time for test and quizzes. My
easiest class right now I think would
have to be English. I have learned a
lot and I’m glad that I will get to use
all this information for the fall when
we go back to school. - Jennifer