2017 Water Utilities Consumer Confidence Report 2017 Water Utilities Consumer Confidence Report | Page 7
When you turn on the faucet you expect the water to be
as safe as it was when it left the water treatment plant.
However, when a backflow incident occurs, water can
flow backwards into our safe drinking water. The danger
comes from a cross connection, which is when a water
line is in contact with a harmful substance. Examples of
these hazards include secondary water sources such as
water wells, hose end chemical dispensers for lawn treat-
ment, a water hose in a bucket of non-potable liquid or a
swimming pool, washing machines, and irrigation systems.
The Arlington Water
Utilities laboratory
staff is available
to answer your
questions about
water quality at
817-575-8984. Here
are some answers to
the most asked questions.
My water sometimes appears cloudy or milky when I
first turn on the tap. Why?
This can be caused by tiny air bubbles that are in the water. It is
common for this to happen when it’s colder outside or the water
pressure changes because air becomes more soluble in water under
these conditions. Once the water comes out of your tap, the water is
no longer under pressure and the air comes out of solution as bubbles.
Cloudy water caused by tiny air bubbles is not harmful to health. An
easy way to test whether the cloudiness is caused by air bubbles is to
fill a clear glass with water and let it sit on the counter for a minute.
If the cloudiness clears from the bottom to the top, then you can be
assured that this is air dissipating from your water.
A fire hydrant on my block was open and gushing
water. Why would you do that?
Fortunately, keeping our precious water resource safe from
contaminants such as fertilizers or household cleaners is
easy. Take the following precautions:
NEVER submerge hoses in buckets, pools, tubs, sewer
cleanouts or sinks.
DO NOT use spray attachments without a backflow
prevention device, such as a hose bib vacuum breaker.
The chemicals used on your lawn are toxic and can be
fatal if ingested.
INSTALL and TEST appropriate backflow prevention
assemblies when required, such as on your irrigation
Don’t put your neighbors or yourself at risk. If you believe you
have a backflow concern and would like more information,
please contact Water Resource Services at 817-459-5902 or
visit Backflow Information at www.arlingtontx.gov/water.
The practice of opening a fire hydrant and letting the water run for
several minutes is known as flushing. This practice improves water
quality and ensures you are getting the freshest, highest quality
water to your home. Build-up of sediment can occur in mains and
flushing can help minimize any discoloration or sediment in your
water. If you notice sediment or discoloration in your water, try
letting the tap run for several minutes. If this does not clear up the
issue, please notify the water department.
Why does my water smell musty sometimes?
During certain times of the year, it is not uncommon to experience
some taste and odor issues with your tap water. A naturally
occurring compound called geosmin is produced by algae found
in surface water. Extreme temperatures can kill off algae in surface
water, which releases the geosmin into the water. While the taste
and odor can be unpleasant, geosmin is not toxic or harmful.
The water remains safe to drink. Heating the water increases the
volatility of these compounds, which explains why the smell is more
easily detected when you are in the shower or when water is used
for hot beverages. To make the water taste better, try chilling it,
adding ice cubes, a slice of lemon, or a few drops of lemon juice.
And remember that the change in taste and odor is only temporary.