2017 Water Utilities Consumer Confidence Report 2017 Water Utilities Consumer Confidence Report | Page 6
Is your bill higher than expected?
Summer months are when Arlington residents use
the most water, whether they are filling swimming pools
or irrigating lawns. We know some water use can come as
a surprise. Here are some common causes of unexpected
usage and resources to help.
outwardly visible. But, a running toilet can waste as much as 200
gallons of water a day and that can add up to 6,000 a month or more.
Visit the EPA’s Fix a Leak Week website to learn more about how to
fix household leaks. www.epa.gov/watersense/fix-leak-week.
to or one that has one or more leaks can add up quickly on your
water bill. Just a leak 1/32nd of an inch in diameter (about the
thickness of a dime) can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per
month. Arlington Water Utilities and Tarrant Regional Water District
offer free sprinkler system assessments to homeowners. Visit www.
savearlingtonwater.com to sign up.
emergencies that affect their ability to pay. Visit www.arlingtontx.
gov/water or call 817-275-5931 to learn more.
Get online and be in the know
Arlington Water Utilities wants to keep residents informed about
their water service. A new email system notifies customers with
active email accounts on file when an emergency or planned service
interruption is happening in their neighborhood.
Later this year, we’ll also be introducing new features that will help
many customers keep track of their daily water usage online. Water
customers who have registered to view their bills online will be able to
immediately take advantage of these new services.
Go to www.arlingtontx.gov/wateronline.
You will need your Arlington Water
Utilities account number.
Email address required.
You will receive an email from
[email protected] with a link.
Follow it and log in to activate.