2017 Riverside Arts Festival Artsfest_2017_program_final_web | Page 21
Arts Fest Demo Tent
Saturday 1-5
All artist demonstrations take place at the
Riverside Park (main festival site) unless marked with a r .
. Kid Friendly
Demonstration of hand carpentry tools and techniques.
~Kids in Nature Play Hut .
Leslie, Jackie and Sue return this year to create an installation of a 6-foot non-living
willow play hut for children. Come check it out!
SCOTT PRICE~Found art /mixed media sculpture .
Participants will gather objects from the surrounding area and work near the
demonstration tent on individual and/or collaborative piece(s). Scott will assist those
interested in refining their sculptural skills, which can include group discussion as well
as hands-on techniques
SARAH TAYLOR~Basic Animation Methods .
See an example of a bare-bones animation set-up and how to lay out elements
for flexible editing. Try your hand at a flip book while you’re there!
ABI HODSON~Migrating Fibres .
Using naturally dyed yarns, found objects, and upcycled textiles, folks are invited to
collaboratively create weavings on hand-made lap looms. Abi will provide support in
exploring techniques and possibilities.
AUBYN O’GRADY~Screen Printing 101 .
Learn the basics of screen printing and pull your own print! Walk away with a small
print of your own or bring your own t-shirt to print!
r Thom Coombes & Power Duo (1-4) ~Drop in Song Writing Circle .
@ Gazebo on Front St.
An informal opportunity to share songs, talk song writing, and work through the
process together. Everyone is welcome, feel free to bring an instrument and a song or
just hang out.