2017 Racial Profiling Report 2017 Racial Profiling Report | Page 64

414.00 RACIAL/BIAS-BASED PROFILING 414.2 COMPLIMENT/COMPLAINT PROCESS, PUBLIC EDUCATION AND CORRECTIVE ACTION (Renumbered 07-27-17)(Revised 09-01-17) A. Compliment and Complaint Process 1. Any person who wishes to file a complaint on an officer’s behavior regarding possible racial/bias based profiling shall be referred to the Internal Affairs Unit. 2. No person shall be discouraged, intimidated, or coerced from filing a Racial/Bias-Based Profiling complaint, or be discriminated or retaliated against due to filing such a complaint. 3. The Police Department shall accept all complaints regarding possible racial/bias-based profiling behavior. 4. The Department shall investigate each citizen complaint alleging racial/bias-based profiling by an Arlington officer. Such complaints shall be in writing or shall be reduced to writing. 5. The complaint should include the time, place, and details of the profiling behavior the identity or description of the officer or officers involved, the identity of the complainant and the complainant’s contact information. 6. Any peace officer or city employee who receives a citizen complaint alleging racial profiling behavior shall forward the complaint to the Internal Affairs Unit within 12 hours of receipt. 7. Receipt of each complaint shall be acknowledged by contacting the complainant in writing, all such complaints shall be reviewed and investigated by the Internal Affairs Unit within guidelines set forth in General Orders and Internal Affairs SOP; the results of the review and investigation shall be provided to the Police Chief and the complainant in addition to being submitted to the chain of command in accordance with policy. 8. Internal Affairs shall seek to determine if the officer who is subject of the complaint has engaged in a pattern of racial/bias-based profiling, including multiple acts of profiling behavior for which there is no reasonable, credible explanation based on established police and law enforcement procedures. A single act constituting racial/bias-based profiling may not be considered a pattern of racial/bias-based profiling. 9. Compliments received regarding motor vehicle and subject stops and asset forfeiture activities related to racial/bias-based profiling shall be routed through the officer’s chain of command. B. Public Education. The police department shall provide education to the public concerning the racial/bias-based profiling and the motor vehicle and subject stop compliment and complaint process. That educational material shall include a telephone number, mailing address, and email address for members of the public to compliment an officer or file a complaint with respect to motor vehicle and subject stop activity. A summary of the public education efforts made during the preceding year shall be included with the annual report filed with the Mayor and City Council.