2017 Q1 FIRE Newsletter Mt. Moriah Baptist Church | Page 2

F . I . R . E . Fully Informed , Reverenced & Encouraged NEWSLETTER

Quarter 1 , 2017

It Is Our Desire for Every Soul To Catch On Fire !

Get Involved
“…….. The harvest truly is plenteous , but the labourers are few ; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest , that he will send forth labourers into his harvest .” Matthew 9:37-38
Jesus makes it sound so simple . Crowds were drawn to Him . They came to be healed , they came to hear Him speak . He didn ' t do anything to lure them …. they just came .
But when we give them the Word of God …. when we call them to discipleship , people don ' t seem to be falling over each other to get to the church .
Of course , if the church compromise the gospel a bit , spice it up with the offer of prosperity , or the promise of success , entertain the folks , make them feel good about themselves ……. then maybe we ' ll have a viable market .
God alone saves and sanctifies ……. we don ' t …... Our job is to make disciples . Why not start 2017 off by preparing yourself to make disciples . How do I do that ? Start by getting involved with your church . Attend Bible Study and Prayer Meeting . Come to Sunday School . Read your bible daily . Join one or more of the many ministries the church has established . Check out the church website for a list of current and future ministries . The Lord has given each of us a talent , why not use it now while you can .
Bible Trivia
1 . What strongman was ordained before birth to deliver Israel from the Philistines ?
2 . What child , who later ministered with the priest Eli , was ordained before birth to serve God ? 3 . What apostle was foreordained to minister to the
Gentiles ? 4 . What kinsman of Christ was ordained to be His forerunner ? 5 . What prophet was ordained before birth to be
God ’ s messenger ?
3 Steps to a Closer Walk with God in the New Year
The word sanctification means a dedication to seeking God and becoming more Christ-like while turning away from sin and a world-centered lifestyle . Sanctification is the process of pursuing God and becoming more like Jesus .
1 . Put God ' s Word in Your Heart Begin the sanctification process by putting God ’ s Word in your heart . Read it , believe it , study it , memorize it , think on it , and obey it . Start by establishing a time of daily Bible reading .
2 . Pray Regularly In addition to a daily intake of the Word , Christians need to pray regularly in order to hear from God and remain sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit . Dedicate a time for prayer each day . Perhaps you could start by committing to pray for at least 15 minutes in the morning or evening whichever time works best for you .
3 . Actively Serve God Start actively serving God . You can sow your talent to help in the work of the Lord . Your talent may be painting , cleaning , organizing , or something else . But whatever your talent is , you can get involved in your local church by using the talents God has given you to bless others .
Did you know you can listen to the bible everyday via the church ’ s website ?