Chorus (Angels): He, watching over Israel, slumbers not, nor sleeps.
Recitative (The Angel and Elijah): Arise, Elijah, for thou hast a long journey
before thee
Aria (The Angel): O rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him, and He shall give
thee thy heart’s desires
Chorus: He that shall endure to the end, shall be saved.
Recitative (The Angel and Elijah): Night falleth round me, O Lord.
Chorus: Behold, God the Lord passed by !
Recitative (Contralto): Above Him stood the seraphim, and one cried to another
Quartet and Chorus (Angels): Holy, holy. holy is God the Lord, the Lord Sa-
Recitative (Elijah) and Chorus: Go, return upon thy way!
Arioso (Elijah): For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed
Chorus: Then did Elijah the prophet break forth like a fire; his words appeared
like burning torches
Aria (Tenor): Then, then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in their heav-
enly Father’s realm .
Recitative (Soprano): Behold, God hath sent Elijah the prophet
Chorus: But the Lord from the north hath raised one
Quartet: O come every one that thirsteth
Final Chorus: And then, then shall your light break forth
Sing for Auckland!
Interested in auditioning for NZ’s most established choir
and sing the world’s greatest choral works?
Join Auckland Choral at our next open rehearsal on
Wed 29 November 2017, 7.30pm in the Junior School Hall at
Diocesan School for Girls, Epsom, for a taste.
Email [email protected] or call 09 358 2892 to find out more