2016 Dawson City International Short Film Festival | Page 8
The program this year, Disrupting Binaries, is curated by Corinna Ghaznavi, and
focuses on Canadian women working in video and animation who address the
human relationship with their surrounding environment.
Please join us for the Opening Reception of
Disrupting Binaries in the SOVA Gallery (3rd and Queen)
on Friday, March 25, 2016 from 4-6 pm.
Kelly Mark, 108 Lezton Avenue, 10:13, DV, 2014
Kelly Mark sets up a dialogue with herself that contemplates isolation and intention.
“‘Everything’ and ‘Nothing’ are constructed as opposite but asymmetrical roles
that she performs for a split-screen projection, plumbing the contradictions of her
own personality to reveal the bravura and insecurity of having no one to talk to but
yourself.” – Christina Ritchie
Amanda Dawn Christie, Off Route 2, 10:30, 35mm, 2011
Amanda Dawn Christie stages a car crash to explore the trauma and the oftenanticlimactic aftermath of personal tragedy. It is in the peaceful quiet that follows a
crash that the banal becomes beautiful and mundane monumental.
Marina Roy, The Floating Archipelago, 6:20, Animation, 2015
The Floating Archipelago is a sci-fi feminist ecological utopia arising in the wake of a
cosmic cataclysm – ‘nature’ takes on a supernatural nature, and three women come
to be caretakers of surviving animals.