2016 Concert Series Hymn of Praise | Page 7
is an expressive slow movement. Beautiful but not too church-like, it sets the
stage for a galloping crescendo that harnesses choir and organ together with full
orchestra for the cantata’s opening proclamation from Psalm 150 “Let everything
that has breath praise the Lord”.
As the cantata unfolds, soprano and tenor items alternate with choral numbers
drawn from other Psalm texts, including the Victorian age’s all-time favourite “I
Waited for the Lord”. The dramatic climax emerges through the words of Isaiah
— a long-suffering question “Watchman will the night pass soon?” This is followed
by a triumphant Pauline affirmation (from the Epistle to the Romans) of light over
darkness, and a simple community confirmation in the unaccompanied chorale
“Now Thank We All Our God”.
In a few closing items, the motive of praise reaches its apotheosis, and the words
of Psalm 150 return as a full-throated benediction built on the opening trombone
motto theme to arrive at what has been richly described as a “soul-soaring
Copyright © Heath Lees 2016
Text and Translation by kind permission of Naxos Rights International Ltd.
Chorus and Soprano Solo:
Alles was Odem hat lobe den Herrn,
Lobt den Herrn mit Saitenspiel:
Lobt ihn mit eurem Liede!
Und alles Fleisch lobe seinen heiligen Namen!
Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele
Und was in mir ist seinen heiligen Namen!
Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele,
Und vergiss es nicht was er dir Gutes getan!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord,
Praise the Lord with the sound of the harp:
Praise him with your songs!
And let all flesh praise his Holy Name!
Praise the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me praise his Holy Name!
Praise the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not the good he has done for you!
Tenor Recitative and Aria
Saget es, die ihr erlöst seid durch den Herrn, Proclaim it, you who are delivered through
Die er aus der Not errettet hat,
the Lord, Whom he has saved from want,
Aus schwerer Trübsal, aus Schmach und Banden, From heavy affliction, from shame and bonds,
Die ihr gefangen im Dunkel waret,
Who were held in a dark prison,
Alle, die er erlöst hat aus der Not.
All you whom he has delivered from want.
Saget es! Danket ihm and rühmet seine Güte! Proclaim it! Thank him and extol his goodness!
Er zählet unsre Tränen in der Zeit der Not, He counts our tears in the time of need,
Er tröstet die Betrübten mit seinem Wort.
He comforts the afflicted with his word.
Saget es! Danket ihm and rühmet seine Güte! Proclaim it! Thank him and extol his goodness!