2016-17 Newsletter TRIO SSS 2016-2017 | Page 12

BEYOND BORDERS … Advice from those who ’ ve gone

BEYOND BORDERS … Advice from those who ’ ve gone

Dai ’ Jah Todd
Major : Film with African American Studies Minor Where : Osaka , Japan When : 2015-2016 academic year Scholarship : Positive Black Women Scholarship Favorite Experience : My favorite thing about my experience was the ability to educate people on a culture they typically had never witnessed before . As a Black American in an Asian country , many people there had never been exposed to Black people or seen one in real life so I was able to personally fight certain stereotypes they may have had prior to meeting me and just expose them to different people .
For anyone hoping to study abroad I would say just do it ! Traveling abroad is a great experience that many people don ' t get the opportunity to do after graduating so now is the best time . Take advantage of this opportunity !
Sierra Williams
Major : Sociology , Minor in Biology . Where : Haiti When : Summer of 2016 for 4.5 weeks Favorite Experience : My favorite thing about my Abroad experience was surely being in Hôpital Albert Schweitzer ( HAS ) for medical rounds and morning meetings . Through this , I was able to observe a soleus flap surgery in the surgery room .
I would suggest to anyone wanting to study abroad , to take dri-fit clothing but make sure its loose fitting . You only really need 7 regular ( ready to hike ) outfits and 1-2 sundresses for nice dinners in Haiti specifically . Chaos were the best sandals / shoes for me . I would suggest packing a lot of soap and underwear . You should also pack a lot of Snacks !!! Don ' t Expect Ice or Cold Drinks .
Mental Advice : Take it day by day and write in a journal . Something that helped me was playing cards and calling / texting home a few times a week .
Angel McFarland
Major : Psychology & Religious studies Where : Oman , Dubai & ( Israel ) When : Spring / Summer 2015 : Five weeks & ( Winter 2016 : 11 days ) Favorite Experience : My favorite part of being abroad is the culture shock , being able to see first hand there ' s never just one way of doing things . Living immersed in a completely different country forces you to learn and adapt to the environment , but in the process teaches you to identify new things about yourself ; new likes / dislikes , new skills , strengths , and weaknesses .
My advice for anyone with a desire to travel abroad is to go for it and have an open mind . Being abroad is like any other new environment or opportunity , it ' s what you make it ; so be purposeful , take advantage of the adventures , and don ' t limit yourself .
Alyssa Waid
Major : International Business and Marketing / Minor : French Where : Nice & Paris , France When : Summer 2016 for 5.5 weeks Scholarship : Seidman College of Business Study Abroad Scholarship Favorite experience : I really enjoyed meeting people from all over the world , it changed my perspectives and taught me a lot about other cultures . I also really loved living with a host family , this not only improved my French speaking skills but it allowed me to make connections with native French people .
My advice for people who are thinking about studying abroad is just do it , you will not regret it . I was nervous about financing the trip but in the end it was worth every penny . The experiences you have abroad are nothing you can experience at home . You meet amazing people , you learn about other cultures and most of all , you learn about yourself and who you are . Just go , the memories you make abroad will last a lifetime !