WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results
Fiscal Stability (continued)
o Elementary
More SPED Instructional Aides
Maintaining technology (*Refresh!)
Funding programs (PLTS, IB, etc.)
Funding CCSS
o Textbooks
o PD/teacher release time
o Materials
Funding for extra-curricular activities (busses)
Sub shortage
Need for health aides and ELSs (fulltime) at elementary schools
o Funding for mental health
Need for elementary Aps
Counselors at middle schools and elementary
Equity for administrative salaries
Restoration of Instructional Dean
Bureaucratic process to purchase things
Time it takes to receive goods
Clarity on the role between IT, MOTF and purchasing – what is the best use of
What is district responsible for providing and what is the site? *
IT Refresh (teachers, office, library, etc.) site vs. district $
o LCD projectors
o Laptops
Communication from district to site, and from office to office at district
Processing of purchase orders from input to final delivery – too slow
Processing of accounts – particularly with personnel
Clarity of LCFF/LCAP guidelines in budgeting
Disposal of obsolete materials
Consistent leadership
Raises for staff
Stipends (Who has to pay?)
“Contributions”, “Donations”, “Fees” . . . oh my.
Walnut Valley Unified School District