2015 Year End Results One | Page 35

WVUSD : 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________
serve as leaders and facilitators at the Mini University 2.0 this year . The district also provided oversight to the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment ( BTSA ) program , providing leadership development opportunities for new teachers as well as veteran teachers serving as support providers .
Classified employees , teachers , and management members participated in our year-long Leadership Seminar which met monthly and utilized a multitude of resources such as readings , internal and external speakers and facilitators , group discussions , and selfreflection . The culminating activity for the Leadership Seminar members , along with additional stakeholders throughout the district , was a week-long leadership symposium on the East Coast which strengthen their understanding of Leadership in 4 Directions while utilizing teachings from past experiences at the Battle of Gettysburg , current instruction from renowned experts in areas such as personal balance , leadership in crisis , Lincoln leadership , ethical leadership , and team-building .
Finally , the school district made a concerted effort to provide leadership development for parents and community members . For example , parents from each school site were invited to participate in learning walks through classrooms within the school district and then actively participate in conversation about their experiences . This technique assisted the parents in developing a deeper understanding of the transition to the Common Core State Standards ( CCSS ) and serve as community leaders in both formal and informal discussions regarding this topic . Parents and community members were invited to serve on a variety of committees such as the LCAP and CCSS Funding groups . Community members participated in leading and presenting potential school bond information . Community business partnerships with the school district were strengthened through groups such as the Walnut Valley Educational Foundation , Dedicated to Learning , and the Walnut Valley Finance Corporation . The East San Gabriel Valley Regional Occupational Program and Technical Center continued to work closely with the school district and provide significant supports and opportunities for students and staff . The outreach meetings between Trustees / Superintendent and City Council representatives / City Manager were re-established in an effort to maintain and further develop the relationship and communication .
Future Focus :
Sustain and / or increase the leadership development opportunities at all levels of the organization , including community and students , while continuing the Leadership in 4 Directions focus
Further develop and provide leadership training for current CCSS implementation and oversight including curriculum development , instructional methodology , and mentoring
Secure resources to sustain the Leadership Seminar Provide leadership training for site-level leadership team members
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