WVUSD : 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________
employees . A celebration barbeque is held for all classified employees in the spring at C . J . Morris Elementary School .
Certificated staff is honored through the Teacher of the Year process . Each school site chooses a Teacher of the Year . The District Teacher of the Year selection is chosen from the site nominations via an interview panel . The District Teacher of the Year was informed during a surprise announcement in front of her colleagues and family . The District Teacher of the Year is encouraged to compete further in the Los Angeles County selection for Teacher of the Year . Further , the district sponsors the Salute to Teachers held at WHS in the fall to celebrate the service from our outstanding teachers .
The Board of Trustees and superintendent begin each year with a district-wide Welcome Back Celebration to honor the service years of employees and the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment ( BTSA ) support providers . This event kicks-off the year with a strong message . The Board of Trustees also makes presentations at each board meeting to outstanding parents , students , and community collaborators . This year , the Walnut Valley Education Foundation ( WVEF ) held its Inaugural Night of the Stars Gala to honor community representatives and staff who have given outstanding service to our schools . All employees who are retiring from the district are honored at the Retirement Recognition Tea at the end of the year , and each retiree is presented with an award , a gift , and personal recognition by their site supervisor . The BTSA Colloquium , held at the end of the school year , honors beginning teachers who have earned their clear credentials . In addition , our administrators are recognized through the Association of California School Administrators ( ACSA ). Awards are given by nominations from colleagues who recognize administrators for exceptional service through the ACSA organization .
Accomplishments and recognition of our employees is facilitated by our publicist , Kelli Gile . Ms . Gile was able to publicize and share these important recognitions through pictures , social media , and outreach to newspapers . Ms . Gile also produces the Outlook community newsletter which publicly celebrates the accomplishments of our schools .
Communication District-wide communication was used effectively to share information and unite the district on common goals .
Methods to Communicate :
Improved communication has been an ongoing focus for our school district . Visibility at district events and school site visits by the Board of Trustees , Personnel Commission , and district personnel provide opportunities for increased communication . Issues can be addressed more quickly and , likewise , appreciation can be given more promptly for exceptional service . The expanded use of technology and social media has increased the type and quantity of communication to all stakeholders from employees throughout the district . The district website and Twitter page are regularly updated to provide current information on board actions , district events , and student achievements . Twitter usage has been expanded by district and site personnel . ConnectEd and email were used to
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