2015 Year End Results One | Page 22

WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________  Supervisor position. Tentative Agreements with both associations were reached efficiently and in a professional manner. Regular weekly meetings and frequent problem solving sessions with each association and the division of Human Resources helps to resolve issues quickly. These frequent meetings build professional communication. The superintendent also makes regularly scheduled meetings with each association to hear and respond to concerns. The divisions of Educational Services and Human Resources meet several times a year with WVEA to discuss a wide variety of upcoming Educational Services issues in areas such as benchmark assessments, planning time, and curriculum. With CSEA, the Educational Services and Human Resources divisions have been focused on Special Education staffing and professional development. CSEA and Human Resources have also met with the Transportation Department to resolve issues and develop strong communication. Through their participation in the Personnel Commission’s Reclassification Study, classified unit members reported that they felt a strong sense of respect from the district in regards to their positions and responsibilities. Several of the positions studied were recommended to be reclassified, retitled, and/or reallocated on the salary schedule due to increased responsibilities; workload issues were also examined and addressed. Classified employees also remarked on feeling a sense of respect when Mini University 2.0 included classified professional development and provided appropriate compensation. An important issue that we started talking about this year, and will continue planning for, is Professional Teacher Time (PTT). This will involve working with site staff and the associations (WVEA, WVAA, and CSEA) to creatively schedule staff collaboration time into the work day. PTT is especially important as the number of staff development days has been greatly reduced for next year. Both the district and the associations recognize the need to provide structure in the day to release staff for professional collaboration time. Site administrators have been proactively seeking communication with their association representatives to hear concerns and address problems preemptively. Across the district, building trust and respect with the labor associations has been a priority. Both planned and unplanned communication occurs frequently to further develop strong relationships. Recognitions: Trust and respect is enhanced by recognizing and honoring the strong accomplishments of our employees. Classified employees are honored each month with the Cornerstone Award at the Personnel Commission meeting. Annually, the Personnel Commission, at its “Class Act” Cornerstone Banquet, honors all of these monthly award winners. Classified employees are also honored with a Classified Luncheon in June. WVAA sponsors the annual Administrative Assistant Recognition in the spring wherein a slideshow and gifts are given to thank our administrative professionals. The district office personnel are celebrated twice a year with the Fall Harvest luncheon and the Spring Luau events; these outdoor barbecue luncheons show appreciation to our district office __________________ Walnut Valley Unified School District 15 __________________