2015 Year End Results One | Page 20

WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________  Expansion and/or refinements of existing programs have been identified for Future Focus, such as: Career exploration and training K-12 ELD program alignment Long-term English Learner support District CAASPP systems School safety Project Lead The Way at additional elementary sites, to attract student enrollment Textbook adoptions for high school math and ELA; plus, future adoptions in science TK-12 writing process analysis and adjustments Academic consistency amongst the sites Improving the use of data to inform instruction Continued reduction of primary class size Continued refinement of District of Choice (DOC) projections and its impact on our enrollment and staffing Continued funding for Common Core Standards implementation, continued high quality professional development, and consistent and effective interventions have been identified as areas of Future Focus. Also included in the area of funding are: Replacement of teacher and administrator computers at sites Further expansion of CTE/ROP classes for career readiness __________________ Walnut Valley Unified School District 13 __________________