2015 Year End Results One | Page 19

WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________  Future Focus: WVUSD seeks including… to provide ongoing professional development opportunities, Continued training in various areas of curriculum and instruction including CCSS, instructional shifts, research-based 21st Century instructional practices, and Next Generation Science Standards Mini University 3.0 STEAM Training Diversity training for staff and students Teaching strategies for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, foster children, and English Learners Training for middle school Student Staff Resource Advisors (SSRA) and high school Grade Level Coordinators (GLC) Math Practice Standards training Elementary math and science professional development and support Parent trainings in Common Core math Supporting students’ socio-emotional well-being Universal Design for Learning training The need for Professional Teacher Time (PTT) across the district has been brought out as a Future Focus item. This includes collaboration and teacher planning time. Consideration of instructional minutes and bell schedules will be part of the discussions, as schools and the district analyze information and plan next steps. Additional programs have been identified as Future Focus areas: Middle school IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) development Development of a virtual high school and more online course offerings Exploration of a Middle College High School __________________ Walnut Valley Unified School District 12 __________________