2015 Expressions on a Sustainable UMD: The Power to Change May 2015 | Page 14

Rodrigo Pimenta Computer Engineering Class of 2018 “Why should I change? I cannot change anything alone”. Far too many times I’ve heard people tell me how they are unmotivated to contribute in the effort to decrease our carbon footprint because they consider their contribution to be insignificant in the bigger picture, and don’t see the urgency in the issue. Many people cannot see the direct effects of climate change and thus become indifferent to it. Why should they put in the extra effort or the extra money to obtain something that they consider to be the same result? This applies to using reusable water bottles as opposed to plastic water bottles. This also applies to paying extra for energy from sustainable sources as opposed to conventional polluting sources. Why should we do it? Can individuals have a significant effect in climate change? Sustainability is an issue that does not get the urgency and attention it deserves. Many times I feel like people put it to the side, and think that action can be taken later. But effects such as increasing temperatures, changing landscapes, increasing sea-level, increased frequency of droughts and floods, stronger storms, and economic loss all threaten mankind and earth’s wild life. Many of these effects are visible today and threaten us right now. Brazil, one of the countries with the largest amounts of water in the world, is facing its worst drought in 84 years. Sao Paulo, Brazil’s largest city, has started rationing water to the people. There has also been a severe energy crisis in Brazil. According to the Brazilian government, hydroelectricity accounts for around 80% of the energy consumption, but today, hydroelectric dams are facing major shortages in energy production due to the drought. Now, it is impossible to prove that specific natural disasters, such as Brazil’s drought, are direct effects of climate change. But scientists have proven that climate change is leading to the increased frequency and severity of natural disasters, such as droughts. According to the Guardian, scientists are drawing conclusions that the Brazil drought is directly correlated with pollution, deforestation, and climate change. David Mitchell once wrote: “what is any ocean but a multitude of drops?” Climate change is a problem that requires the action of the general public today. Everyone’s participation, as insignificant as it may seem, is necessary to avoid increasing the severity of irreversible effects and the amount of damages that climate change will cause. When the University of Maryland takes action towards sustainability, it demonstrates to its students and other universities that this is a serious matter. Furthermore, the University of Maryland has been doing a great job at taking sustainable actions relative to other universities. But the standard is low. We must take more aggressive strides towards sustainability and provide the rest of the world with a model for significant change against climate change. !10!