Community Partner: Digital Harbor Foundation
Intern: Andie Seabrooke
Site Supervisor: Steph Grimes
What Digital Harbor Foundation?
The Digital Harbor Foundation offers technology education to over 2,500 youth
in Baltimore City
Working at the Digital Harbor Foundation has
pushed me to change my way of thinking. From
day one I was struck by the creativity fostered in
the Tech Center. The creativity flows not only out
of the students but out of the staff as well. At
DHF no problem is unsolvable and no challenge is
too big to tackle. I was amazed how the staff
tirelessly worked to execute their vision for not
only their space but for other organizations in
Baltimore and throughout the country. They have
proven to me that it is truly possible to follow
your passions and make a difference along the
way. However CIIP was so much more than just
my work at the Digital Harbor Foundation. I have
had the opportunity to build lasting friendships
with many of the other interns as we explored
Baltimore together. My summer as a CIIP intern
truly opened my eyes to the beautiful city around
me. It helped me to see Baltimore not as a city
that I happen to go to school in but as a home and
a community that I am proud to be a part of.
• Compiled an educator
contact database and
• Business development
• Ran student lunch
• Assisted with
administrative tasks
including camper