Community Partner : Community Greening Resource Network Intern : Sunny Kim Site Supervisor : Valerie Rupp
What is the Community Greening Resource Network ? Community Greening Resource Network ( CGRN ) is an annual membership program assisting individuals , community gardens , schools and green spaces throughout the City of Baltimore . By coordinating the resources available in our city , CGRN provides a comprehensive and consistent support network making it easier to maintain the valuable green spaces in your community .
I entered into my internship at Community Greening Resource Network ( CGRN ), a program of the larger Parks and People foundation , with little guidance . I was the only one managing the program and I was intimidated and discouraged at first . Parks and People is a large organization that does great work throughout the city but operates on a " top‐down " system unlike the grassroots non‐profit work I was used to in my experience prior to the internship . I credit my 8 weeks at Parks and People for an important life lesson : being young and new is no reason to be intimidated . Believe in your fullest capabilities and take ownership . Besides from my time and Parks and People , CIIP has also enriched my life . I was encouraged and supported to experience Baltimore to the fullest expression and become a proud citizen of this resilient and charming city . ‐ Sunny
Tasks :
• Staying motivated and organized i and learning to focus on juggle mu
• Creating 3 newsletters and creatin use including interviews with mem organization .
• Organized a Give‐Away day for CG included soliciting plant donations nurseries and farms and picking th
• Advertised and acquired new mem
• Planned workshops with commun