Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide
Mechanical Requirements
Publication trim size is 8 x 10.5 in. (203 x 267 mm). For full page and horizontal bleed ads, keep live material
0.375 in. (10 mm) from bleed edges. For vertical bleed ads, keep live material 0.375 in. (10 mm) from bleed edges
on top and bottom and 0.4375 in. (11 mm) from bleed edges on left and right.
Bleed size combined for both pages: 16.25 x 10.75 in. (413 x 273 mm)
Full Page
Bleed Size (orange rule):
8.25 x 10.75 in. (210 x 273 mm)
Two-Page Spread
Full Bleed
Two-Page Spread
Full Bleed
Trim Size (green rule):
8 x 10.5 in. (203 x 267 mm)
Left Page Bleed Size:
8.25 x 10.75 in (210 x 273 mm)
Right Page Bleed Size:
8.25 x 10.75 in (210 x 273 mm)
Live Area (pink rule):
7.5 x 10 in. (191 x 254 mm)
Each Page’s - Trim Size:
8 x 10.5 in (203 x 267 mm)
Each Page’s - Trim Size:
8 x 10.5 in (203 x 267 mm)
Each Page’s Live Area (pink rule):
7.5 x 10 in (191 x 254 mm)
Each Page’s Live Area (pink rule):
7.5 x 10 in (191 x 254 mm)
All ImportAnt mAterIAl must stAy WIthIn
the lIve AreA to AvoId BeIng trImmed off
All ImportAnt mAterIAl must stAy WIthIn
the lIve AreA to AvoId BeIng trImmed off
All ImportAnt mAterIAl must stAy WIthIn
the lIve AreA to AvoId BeIng trImmed off
Non-Bleed Size (blue rule):
6.75 x 9.75 in. (171 x 248 mm)
Ad sizes_AdSpec.indd 11-12
U.S. and Canada, and if you think
that the postal service doesn’t let
anything get in the way of its carri
ers and their appointed rounds, you
ought to see a dedicated ice fisher
man with a free weekend. In Decem
ber, January and February, the lakes
in places like Wisconsin, Minnesota,
the Dakotas and parts of Canada
become small cities of ice fishing
houses and shanties dragged across
the frozen landscape.
While conditions can become rem
iniscent of the siege at Stalingrad,
the idea of being unable to get to
a favorite fishing spot because of
snow or ice conditions is all but
unthinkable. But it’s those kind of
conditions for which the SnoBear
was created.
The SnoBear is a recreational
vehicle designed for ice fishing and
other winter applications. To all
appearances, it’s a cross between
a heavyduty truck, a snowmobile
and an SUV, but one thing is sure
— if you’re going to go ice fishing,
this is probably the surest way to
get there.
The SnoBear is the brainchild of
Tom Lykken, who formerly was a
chief engineer for Case IH at its
Steiger tractor plant in Fargo, N.D.
An avid outdoorsman, he saw a
need for something better than the
towed fishing shanties that are typi
cally used by ice fishermen.
So using his engineering exper
tise and employing advanced
design tools such as SolidWorks
CAD software, he designed the first
SnoBear. Needless to say, it gar
nered a lot of attention. “When I
stopped at the bait shop, I was there
for 45 minutes answering people’s
questions,” he said. “There is noth
ing else like it out there and people
were interested.”
g is a major pastime in the northern
U.S. and Canada, and if you think
that the postal service doesn’t let any
thing get in the way of its carriers and
their appointed rounds, you ought to
see a dedicated ice fisherman with a
free weekend. In December, January
and February, the lakes in places like
Non-Bleed Size
(blue rule):
4.25 x 9.75 in.
(108 x 248 mm)
Bleed Size (orange rule):
5.5 x 10.75 in.
(140 x 273 mm)
Trim Size (green rule):
5.125 x 10.5 in.
(130 x 267 mm)
Center live area
for bleed off left
or right page
U.S. and Canada, and if you think
that the postal service doesn’t let anything get in the way of its carriers and
their appointed rounds, you ought to
see a dedicated ice fisherman with a
free weekend. In December, January
and February, the lakes in places like
Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Dakotas
and parts of Canada become small cities of ice fishing houses and shanties
dragged across the frozen landscape.
While conditions can become reminiscent of the siege at Stalingrad, the
idea of being unable to get to a favorite fishing spot because of snow or ice
conditions is all but unthinkable. But
it’s those kind of conditions for which
the SnoBear was created.
The SnoBear is a recreational vehicle designed for ice fishing and other
winter applications. To all appearances, it’s a cross between a heavy-duty
truck, a snowmobile and an SUV, but
one thing is sure — if you’re going to
go ice fishing, this is probably the surest way to get there.
The SnoBear is the brainchild of
Tom Lykken, who formerly was a chief
engineer for Case IH at its Steiger
tractor plant in Fargo, N.D. An avid
outdoorsman, he saw a need for something better than the towed fishing
shanties that are typically used by ice
So using his engineering expertise
Live Area (pink rule):
4.625 x 10 in.
(117 x 254 mm)
and employing advanced design tools
such as SolidWorks CAD software,
he designed the first SnoBear. Need
less to say, it garnered a lot of atten
tion. “When I stopped at the bait shop,
I was there for 45 minutes answering
people’s questions,” he said. “There
is nothing else like it out there and
people were interested.”
g is a major pastime in the northern
U.S. and Canada, and if you think
that the postal service doesn’t let any
thing get in the way of its carriers and
their appointed rounds, you ought to
see a dedicated ice fisherman with a
free weekend. In December, January
and February, the lakes in places like
Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Dakotas
and parts of Canada become small cit
ies of ice fishing houses and shanties
dragged across the frozen landscape.
While conditions can become remi
niscent of the siege at Stalingrad, the
idea of being unable to get to a favor
ite fishing spot because of snow or ice
conditions is all but unthinkable. But
it’s those kind of conditions for which
the SnoBear was created.
The SnoBear is a recreational vehi
cle designed for ice fishing and other
winter applications. To all appearanc
es, it’s a cross between a heavyduty
truck, a snowmobile and an SUV, but
one thing is ?\?H8?%Y?[?x?&\?H??[?????X?H?\?[??\?\???X?HH?\??B?\??^H??]\?K???K?M??L?L??MHB??K??[??[?YK[?Y?[?H[?]H??[?\??X?H?\??&]][?][???][?H?^H?]??\??Y\??[??Z\?\?[?Y??[??[?H?Y???YHHYX?]YX?H?\?\?X[??]B???YH?YZ?[??[?X?[X?\??[?X\?B?[??X??X\?KHZ?\?[?X?\?Z?B??\????[?Z[??\??KHZ??\?[?\????[?YH?X??YH?X[?]Y\??X?H?\?[???\?\?[??[?Y\??Y??YX????H???[?[???\K???[H??][???[??X??YH?[Z[?\??[??H?YY?H]?[[??YB?YXH??Z[??[?X?H??]?H?]??]H?\?[?????X?]\?H?????X?B???][??\?[?][?[??X?K??]?]8?&\???H?[????][?????X??H??X\??\??X]Y??H??X\?\?H?X?X][?[?ZX?H\?Y?Y??X?H?\?[??[??\???[?\?\X?][???[\X\?[??\?]8?&\?H?????]?Y[?HX]?KY]B??X??H???[?[H[?[??U??]??H[??\??\?H8?%Y?[?x?&\?H??[?????X?H?\?[??\?\???X?HH?\?\??^H??]\?K??H??X\?\?H??Z[??[???HZ??[?????Y\?H?\?H?YY??[??[?Y\????\?HR]]??ZY?\???X??[?[??\??????[?]?Y??]???X[?H?]?H?YY????Y][???]\?[?H??Y?\?[???[?Y\?]\?H\X?[H\?Y?HX?B??\?\?Y[?????\?[??\?[??[?Y\?[??^\?\?B??[?[\?Z[??Y?[??Y\?Y????H??X\?\?H??Z[??[??Y?????Q???\?K??X?\????HZ??[?????Y\?H?\?H?YY?H?\????X\???YYH\?Y?Y?[??[?Y\????\?HR]]???^K]?\??\?YH??][?\???ZY?\???X??[?[??\??????[?]?YH??Y]H?Z]???[??8?'?[???]???X[?H?]?H?YY??\?H??
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