Sensaphone CELL682
Remote Monitoring via Cellular
The CELL682 uses standard cellular technology to communicate
environments. LED’s on the face of the unit afford local indication
with the Sensaphone servers. If a telephone line is not already in
of alarm and status conditions.
place, the cellular communications in the Sensaphone CELL682
can provide a convenient, reliable, and cost effective method to
Sensaphone Monitoring Systems
monitor a remote facility.
When an input channel detects an alarm there is an immediate
communication from the CELL682 to the Sensaphone servers
to process the alarm. The appropriate people are then contacted
The Sensaphone CELL682 provides an assortment of sensor input
immediately via e-mail, text messages, or custom voice
options to handle many different types of sensors and conditions
phone calls.
to monitor. Two relay outputs are also included in the Cell682
for local control. Enclosed in a sealed, weatherproof, lockable
enclosure, the CELL682 is suitable for use in ha