2014 Sensaphone Catalog May 2014 | Page 19

Greenhouse Application Guides Overview SenSaphOne GreenhOuSe SOlutiOnS Keeping your plants alive and healthy requires the best possible growing environment. Sensaphone can provide you with the proper notification system to let you know immediately when something is not perfect in your greenhouse. Many conditions can be monitored from sensors available from Sensaphone, but third party aftermarket sensors can work as well. Receive instant phone call notification as soon as conditions deviate from acceptable levels. Indoor Temperature Outside Temperature Humidity Sensaphone 1400 The Sensaphone 1400 has four flexible sensor inputs, allowing for temperature sensors or analog 4-20mA transducers, like the Carbon Dioxide sensor. The 1400 is also packaged in a NEMA 4-X sealed weatherproof enclosure with built-in battery backup in case main power fails. Power Failure Ventilation Security FGD-1400 pg 30 Sensaphone 2800 Upgrading to the Sensaphone 2800 allows the use of four wireless sensors in addition to four hard–wired sensors. The 2800 will accept the same hard–wired sensors as the 1400 and comes in the same weatherproof enclosure. Also included is a battery backup in case main power fails. FGD-2800 pg www.sensaphone.com 32 19