2014 Conference Program 1 | Page 23

2 01 4ATIATI ON A L CO NRE N CE N N ON A L CO N FE FE RE NCE practical advice for engaging young people in both the generative process and post-show dialogue. We also welcome your questions and input to enrich our exploration and understanding of the processes involved in interactive dramaturgy. Roots Before Branches: Undoing Racism with LGBTQ Organizations and Youth Chair: Nicholas Bazo, The Theater Offensive/ AATE Youth Theater Network co-Chair Presenters: Kaamila Mohamed- The Theater Offensive Zohar Fuller- The Theater Offensive Location: Denver 3rd – Mt. Princeton Talking about race and racism often seems scary and unapproachable for many youth, teaching artists, and organizations. However, a tenant of our belief is that homophobia cannot be tackled without also confronting racism. Using strategic planning, community organizing, and anti-racism training, The Theater Offensive discovered ways to take on injustice by implementing and exploring these themes through our artistic and community programs. In this interactive workshop, directors from True Colors: Out Youth Theater! will share how they do this work with youth and the larger organization. Participants will learn and dive into the techniques used, discuss the yearlong creation process, and come away with some tools to responsibly and creatively explore antiracism with staff, LGBTQ youth and the greater community. AATE and International Outreach Chair: Peter Bernard Duffy,