“They arrest people for that?”
Chair: Carole S. Miller, University of Victoria
Presenter: Juliana Saxton, University of Victoria
Location: Denver 2nd – Maroon Peak
This story drama structure based on The Composition (Skarmeta, 1998) is
an excellent example of the intersection of “local and global education.” It
provides many rich opportunities for interpretation and perspective-taking; for
reflective discussion and the possibilities for action that are foundational to a
social justice curriculum. Through role-taking, participants uncover thoughts,
motives, and intentions, reflecting the empathic interpersonal processes that
happen between people wherever they live (see Larsen & Yao, 2005: 11011102). The Composition provides many opportunities for affective, cognitive
and expressive activity, for decoding text, for interpreting meaning, and for
translating text into other artistic forms. The story drama structure highlights
multiple aspects of literacy while providing glimpses of the political instability
that is so much a part of our world today.
Young Playwrights for Change: A National Middle School Playwriting
Chair: Jacqueline Kappes, Omaha Theater Company at The Rose Performing
Arts Center
Presenters: Brian Guehring (Omaha Theater Company), Julia Magnasco (First
Stage Children’s Theater), Meg Greene (University of Texas at Austin, MFA
Candidate Drama and Theater for Youth and Communities)
Location: Crystal Peak C
Young Playwrights for Change is the newest program from the Dramatic
Change project: an Anti-Bullying Initiative and a joint collaboration of AATE
and TYA/USA harnessing the power of theatre in order to encourage respect
and community as we fight back against the harmful effects of bullying in the
lives of young people. Young Playwrights for Change is a new national middle
school contest with local, state-wide and national competitions. This session
will highlight the pilot programs and their efforts to teach playwriting skills for
middle school students while developing resources for classroom teachers and
students to feel empowered to fight bullying. The session will also give YOU
tools and resources for your school, theater, or state conference to join this
exciting national program!
Traversing Expectations for Promotion as Pre K-12 Artist/Educators
Chair: Jeanne Klein, University of Kansas
Presenters: Cecilia J. Aragón, University of Wyoming; Robert Colby, Emerson
College; Nancy Eddy, Central Michigan University; Joan Lazarus, University
of Texas at Austin; Pamela Sterling, Arizona State University; Christine Smith
Tanner, Eastern Michigan University
Location: Denver 3rd-Mt. Yale
What unique standards, if any, are required for Pre K-12 artist/educators to
achieve promotion to full and associate professors in teaching, research,
and service? What arguments have successful candidates made to justify
their scholarly research and/or artistic direction for and with young people?
What evidence best satisfies the expectations of professors outside Pre K-12
disciplines who sit on promotion and tenure committees? Panelists will focus
on standards potentially unique to Pre K-12 theatre education by sharing
stories of their promotion processes to assist other associate and assistant
professors as they traverse rocky expectations for promotion.
New Resources for Musical Theatre & Licensing Ins-And-Outs
Chair: John V. Prignano, Music Theatre International
Location: Lobby Level- Mt Sopris B
An introduction t