2013 Hampton University Honors College A Plus Summer Program 1 | Page 35

Stacia Bailey
Noah Beals

Stacia Bailey

My senior citizen that I spent time with was a very interesting woman and her name was Alberta . Ms . Alberta has been living in Hampton , Virginia all her life and she is 76 years old . She grew up with 22 brothers and sisters in a small home . When Ms . Alberta was in the 7 th grade she dropped out and started working at a Chinese restaurant at the age of 12 . When I asked her was life hard growing up ? She said “ No life was good I had loved ones and God which is all that mattered .” One wish that Ms . Alberta wished she could ’ ve changed growing up was that she would ’ ve completed school because she could ’ ve been farther ahead in life . She has 3 children and 4 grandchildren and she barely sees them . She likes to go to casinos , and hang out with her friends at the community center . There they like to gossip , drink coffee , play bingo , and play dominos . She is a very detailed , and strong minded woman when I asked her how Hampton is different from when she was my age ( 16 ) and she replied “ This generations is ridiculous with this weed , gangs , shootings , girls showing all that the good Lord gave them , and young men wearing their pants down to the tip of the butt cheeks . This generation is the complete opposite from when I was coming up .”

Noah Beals

Sister Willis is the women that I met in the church . When I first saw her , before I knew I was going to interview her , I could tell that she was very professional and thought she was a principal or leader of some sorts . As the interview went on , I asked her if she ever had traveled for her work . She shared that her most important job was being a pastor ’ s wife and how she went many places for mission trips and for business reasons . Congo , Africa was one of the places she went on a mission trip to and told us how the place she stayed at had triple bunk beds . She said she made sure she got there quick so she could have the top , the most comfortable bunk in her opinion . When she woke up , the sun was shining bright in her face because the ceiling above her had an opening in it and that a dozen iguanas surrounded her . This stood out to me because I know that if something like that ever happened to me I would probably freak out and also because it isn ’ t a common thing that I see in my everyday lifestyle . One thing she said to me , which reminded me of what my mom has said to me before , is keep my mind open to experiencing new things and to broaden my horizons . After the interview I thought she was interesting and sophisticated . She claimed that she taught a Sunday school for adults up until recently . I could tell she had a productive schedule where she kept herself busy and helped others in her work .