Myracle Weeks
Name of piece : The Pen of Library Artist : President Abraham Lincoln
Exploring the HU Museum
Gallery Location : Hampton University Creation date : 1862-63
This piece stands out to me because it was one of the 3 identical pens to sign slaves to be free , emancipation proclamation .
Name of piece : Study for the Book of Genesis Series Artist : Jacob Lawrence Gallery location : New Jersey Creation date : 1990
This piece stands out to me because these series of paintings all shares the same structure and how the colors are the same in the scenes but are being switched up . He makes his paintings to tell a story . This story tells and introduces Genesis and how it starts to create the things on Earth and how things had an ending to it as well .
Name of piece : The Banjo Lesson
Myracle Weeks
Artist : Henry Tanner Gallery location : Pennsylvania Creation date : 1893
This piece stands out to me because the artist makes us implies that the man and his son does not much money known as lower class citizens .
Name of piece : Black belt Artist : Archibald J . Motley , Jr . Gallery Location : Louisiana Creation date : 1934
This piece stands out to me because this painting was in the era of the Harlem Renaissance and how African Americans moved up North and left the South Because of the Great Migration . This image creates when blacks are dressed nicely and the excitement of enjoying the life style in the North .