High School Course Curriculum
English/Language Arts
General Studies
English I: Introduction to Literature and Composition
SWAp (2 semesters, 1 credit, )
Introduction to Literature and Composition is a course that covers literature study, reading, writing, and language. Students read literature from around the world, including the following genres: short story, poetry, memoir, autobiography, drama, and epic. They read examples of informational writing, such as a letter, Web site, magazine article, newspaper article, speech, editorial, and movie or book review. Along the way, they acquire and practice reading skills and strategies that are directly applicable to these literary and informational reading materials.
English II: Critical Reading & Effective Writing
SWAp (2 semesters, 1 credit, prerequisite English I)
Critical Reading and Effective Writing is a course that develops both academic and life skills. Concepts are presented in creative and lively ways that reinforce learning goals and engage students. Literary selections include short fiction and poetry from around the globe, modern drama works, and a contemporary novel. Nonfiction selections feature historical correspondence, diaries, logs, and famous courtroom arguments. Life reading skills target forms, applications, and work-related communication. Grammar review and vocabulary development are included in every unit.
English III: American Literature
SWAp (2 semesters, 1 credit, prerequisite English II)
American Literature is a literature and composition course offering organized as a survey of American literature. It can stand alone as a complete year of general study in English without a specific prerequisite, but its modular design allows flexibility in how the program is used in the classroom; teachers may use a single unit, lesson, or activity to supplement regular class content. The course builds literary and communication skills, including reading, writing, language appreciation and aesthetics, listening and speaking, viewing and representing, and research.