Execu*ve
summary
Portable
screens
allow
us
to
move
easily
from
one
device
to
another
to
achieve
a
task.
Search
is
the
most
common
bridge
between
devices
in
this
sequen?al
usage
The
majority
of
the
?mes
that
we
use
devices
simultaneously,
our
aEen*on
is
split
between
dis?nct
ac?vi?es
on
each
device
Smartphones
are
the
backbone
of
our
daily
media
interac?ons.
They
have
the
highest
number
of
user
interac?ons
per
day
and
serve
as
the
most
common
star?ng
point
for
ac?vi?es
across
mul?ple
screens
Mul?ple
screens
make
us
feel
more
e?cient
because
we
can
act
spontaneously
and
get
a
sense
of
accomplishment
–
this
results
in
a
feeling
of
“found
*me”