2011 UNC Nursing Annual Report 1 | Page 10

H E A LT H CA R E 05 STRUCTURAL EMPOWERMENT Nita Parker has been a nurse for 33 years, and after all these years she is still looking for better ways to do things. When the UNC Center for Transplant Care found that some of their patients’ lengths of stay were greater than the national average length of stay, Nita spearheaded a team to find out why. Nita found that for adult liver transplant patients, the national average was 8.2 days, and at that time the average length of stay (ALOS) at UNCH was 11.3 days. After in-depth data collection and analysis, the Transplant Team created changes that improved patient care and satisfaction and reduced length of stay. As a result, the Center for Transplant Care ALOS for adult liver transplant patients with no complications has now been reduced to 8 days or less.