crews of 12-15 people for one day at the build site. rews 12-1 people or ne ay th buil site -15 peop ple te. 2) Fait Bu l church articipant also ontr but 2) Faith Build church participants also contribute hur tici ts lso ?nancially to the construction costs of the project ancially anc ally th constructi n osts th projec cons str through fundraising events, special church offerings, hrou h undraising vents, pecial hurc fferings drai ts, ings, g or from their missions funds. from heir ission funds eir ion nds. 3) Fait Buil 2011 ompleted ome at 08 orth entral 3) Faith Build 2011 completed home at 808 North Central. uil eted m 4) essica Nea y orke many ours longside hurc 4) Jessica McNeary worked many hours alongside church ssi ide volunteers to build her new home. Jessica feels so blessed olunteer to ild er ew me. Jessic feel so lessed nteers sic ssed for the support of these churches and for a safe, stable home or he upport thes churches nd or afe, tabl home ese afe, abl for her and her young son. or er nd er oung on During the month of July, ten local churches supplied volunteer crews, lunches and funding for the 2011 Faith Build project at 808 North Central in the Whitely Neighborhood.
“There are different kinds of gifts, but they are all from the same Spirit. There are different ways to serve, but the same Lord to serve. And there are different ways that God works through people, but the same God. God works in all of us in everything we do. Something can be seen in each person, for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12: M???????T?T?H??T?S???TB????