eadi eading up to the Awareness Build, Muncie Habitat and local ding he wareness Munc c abitat nd ocal med media part r aunched one week mpaign media partners launched a one we campaign to raise funds to help c aise unds hel i buil the hous bu ld the house for our 100 h family. We asked the community use u 100t family. mily i e the community to give $10 donations to ‘make a $10 difference’ for a local family. i $10 on s make 0 ifference’ o fere ocal mily. y. Indiv a could onate nlin Individuals could donate onli e, at Mutual ank branches, by mail, d o M ualBan r nches, hes, mail l, or in person at location arou d Munc e where a wall panel travelled p on loca ions round unci here wa an l avell o l throughout the week. Donors could sign the wall panel which was hroug o he e ould ign the w h nel h h as then e o uild then used to build the hom for our 100th family. The campaign ome for our 100t f l 00th ly. e ampaig ign was u was a huge success, raisin nearly $20,000 in just one week! u c raising s l 20,0 0 nj e piec f foam board sign d member f AF mb Phot f Photos from 6) A piece of f m board signed by members of AAF left o right: left to right: (American Advertising Federat on) who donated A ric d e ts ederatio nat d $10 is installed during the construc n process. 10, nsta urin t onstruction rocess s 7) Dorothy Douglass, MutualBank, donated $10 D rothy Doug ss, h ugla alBank, donated $10 and signed the travelling wall panel. nd igned t travelli all panel. 8) The w l a ventually made 8) The wall panel eventually made its way to 2005 o 2005 North Elgin where it was used to bu a ho ort lgin here was u build home for the Joyce family – Muncie Hab tat’s 100th e y mily M ncie abit family served! a il s rved! ami served ily ved
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A special thanks is extended to all of the hundreds of