20 Best Marketing and Advertising Campaigns We Have Ever Seen e book 20_Best_Marketing_and_Advertising_Campaigns | Page 2

re·mark·able worthy of being or likely to be noticed, especially as being uncommon or extraordinary When Seth Godin wrote his book, Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable, he forced a lot of marketers to face the fact that we’d slowly but surely been digging our own graves via boring, traditional “mass marketing” -- and that the only way out was to stop being part of the herd, and “be remarkable.” There are a lot of advantages to being remarkable. Decreased sales and marketing spend, for one. Unfair competitive advantage, for another. And quite possibly, category domination and greater customer lifetime value. But getting there isn’t easy. In fact, most marketers don’t have a clue where to begin. So here’s an idea: Start by learning from THE BEST. We’ve compiled our very own list of the top marketing and advertising campaigns ever, and included a few juicy details explaining what made each campaign so remarkable, and what strategies you should literally STEAL, er ... borrow, as inspiration for your next marketing initiative. Enjoy!