maPpIng & TrAckiNg
There are countless apps that allow you to either discover or track your routes . Many apps such as Gaia GPS , ONX , Lead Nav all do the same thing , but not all apps are created equally .
During Brad ’ s talk , he highly recommended Gaia GPS for two reasons . One , is it ’ s his most used tracking application , and so naturally , it has tons of data stored . This data is useful because it can be shared with other people by extracting the GPX file . The second reason is it has many layers available to you , some through a subscription plan . Layers such as USGS topography , hunting overlays , and even nautical and aviation overlays as well . I personally use Gaia myself , and I prefer the user interface over others . This is not to say that Gaia is the best , but it ’ s the best for me and apparently Brad .