1969 Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1969 September/October Voice RS | Page 58
by Sharon Terry Love
The 1969 Mississippi State Charity
Horse Show (formerly the Mississippi
State Championship Horse Show)
was even more attractive than its
widely-famed predecessors.The man
agement of the show’ decided that
the proceeds of the show’ would be
used for charity purposes and this
year the money will go to the Jack-
son Boys’ Club and We Care. Large
crow’ds attended all performances,
including the newly-added Friday
and Saturday matinees, at the three-
dav show held September 18-20 in
Jackson, Mississippi.
Highlighting the evening perform
ances and the Saturday matinee was
the famed country-western singer
and guitarist, Roy Clark. Roy gained
a wide audience this summer on HEE
HAW ("I’m a-grinnin’!”) and his re
cent recording of "Yesterday, When
I Was Young” is high on the national
charts. Another attraction, enjoyed
by the trainers as well as the audi
CHAMPION — Jimmy Holloway
. hc j . j dO i S BIG SHOT receive the awards follow-
lng ineir thrilling victory in the Walking Horse
ence, was Ken Boen and The New
Gray Mare. Mr. Boen has quite a
unique trick horse, and the time and
effort in training his mare were evi
dent when she danced and kept per
fect time to the music.
The annual Exhibitors’ Party was
held in the Coliseum this year, and
spread from the banquet room out
into the halls, which were blocked
off to form a dancing floor. Roy Clark
attended the party and chatted with
exhibitors, and things were still go
ing strong at three a. m.
Tw’o 1969 World Champions were
on hand for exhibitions. On Friday
night Dude Prestwood worked CAR
ion Three-Ye^r.oid Mare. STAR is
proudly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bill
£ t °
ooked as great as his
Olri’ "°cd Champion Three-Year-
\iote, off^•lrday ™ght when Mack
Motes put h,m thro6ugh his paces.
Championship at the Mississippi State Charity Horse
Show. This horse is owned by C. D Maddox of
West, Mississippi.
ROYAL FLUSH, owned by Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Bailey of Jackson, Buford
Chitwood of Resaca, Georgia and
Mack Motes of Eagleville, Tennessee,
was also the winner of his prelimin
ary class at the Celebration.
Stake night Jimmy Holloway had
GO BOY’S BIG SHOT right, and the
big black stallion strolled down the
rail as he did in the stud class, com
ing back to win his second blue of
the show. Coming in a close second
was Odell McConnell on MIDNIGHT
SUN’S HONEY, a cocky little chest-
nut horse with a lot of motion.
One of the hottest classes of the
show was the Amateur Owned and
Ridden Stallions and Geldings Class
on Friday night. The ring was full of
good horses and they really gave the
judges a workout. Frank Parnell rode
in the gate on a new horse, DAN’S
GO BOY, the gray horse that George
Witt rode to many wins. Mr. Parnell
sat back and saved his high-headed
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse