1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 March Voice RS | Page 67
Carolyn and Skip Stansberry
There’s been a new addition to Stockcreek Stables.
Roy Starkey is now training horses from this fine
training barn. We stopped to visit last week and were
real impressed with the good horses Roy rode for us.
He has six two-year-olds and they all show good po
tential. Roy really lights up when he talks about his
two black stud colts - and he should, for they are
really fine. RINGMASTER, a WILSON ALLEN-bred
black stud colt, may just be one of those things. He
is big, black, and can walk right on. He is going to
be right up there with the best. This fine colt is own
ed by Jack Hinds of Knoxville. Jack also owns an
other nice colt, a MIDNIGHT SUN-bred bay. Jack is
a newcomer to the Walking Horse breed and we are
real glad that he has joined us. Hope he has good
luck with his horses this season.
Roy’s other stud colt is called THE VIRGINIAN,
and is by GO BOY’S JIM DANDY. He is another
big, black, walking colt that is really nice to watch.
Think he will give any colt that comes along a good
race for the money. This colt belongs to Guy Simpson
of Merrifield, Virginia. MISS FAIRVIEW, a pretty sor
rel filly by PIDDLEY out of a SHADOW mare, is an
other good colt. She is owned by Charles Berrong of
Maryville. Roy is real pleased with her progress and
we should see a lot of her in the shows this summer.
coming along well and her owner, Mr. Ed Whaley of
Gatlinburg, is well pleased. Roy also has a black stud
colt for George Lambert of Maryville. He has just
been started but looks real good.
Don Brakebill of Rockford has a real nice bay geld
ing in training with Roy. This horse is a three-year-
old and Roy has high hopes for him. He was shown
only a few times last year and did real well. We are
looking forward to seeing him in the show ring this
season. SUN’S TOP PARADER, a four-year-old roan
gelding, will be shown by Roy this year for Glen
Roach of Falls Church, Virginia.
Roy will have two amateur riders this year. Ed
Whaley will be showing his black stud, SATIN S GO
BOY, and Bennie Cate of Maryville will be showing
his sorrel gelding, GEMINI. We hope both these rid
ers will have the best of luck this year.
Roy has just gotten an aged gelding by GO BO 1 S
SOUVENIR. He is owned by Guy Simpson. This good
roan gelding was the winner of the stud and gelding
class and second in the stake at the big Washington
show last fall. Roy should do real well with him tms
March, 1968
With Roy Starkey is Roy Thurman, who is still work
ing his own horses. Mr. Roy has a nice two-year-old
black stud called BEAU’S BLACK DARK. When you
ask him how his bay three-year-old stud is doing he
just smiles and says O.K., but we can say he is a
walking kind of horse. CADILLAC’S DIAMOND, as
he is called, tied real well last season as a two-year-
old and should be really hard to beat this year. Mr.
Roy has two aged studs to show in the stud classes
and stakes. They are BLACK CADILLAC and BOY’S
BLUE BOY. Both these horses have tied well in the
past and will be right up there this year.
Roy Starkey said he had a nice weanling filly and
some broodmares he would sell. If you are ever in
the area, stop in and visit awhile. Mr. Roy Thurman
and Roy Starkey are always happy to see visitors
and we can’t think of a barn where you will get a
warmer welcome.
The Johnson Ideal Halter Company, Aurora, Illinois,
has announced the introduction of an entirely new line
of horse halters to carry a different brand than th e
regular Johnson Ideal line. The new line is called
Johnson Peerless.
The Peerless line supplements the Johnson Ideal
line, world’s best-selling rope halters famous for their
exceptional quality of construction.
Peerless halters will compete with lower-priced hal
ters in price, yet are ruggedly built and retain many
of the well-known Johnson quality features, including
specially constructed rope.
Peerless horse halters are available in cotton, white
polypropylene and variegated poly. Red, green and
blue colors are available in the variegated poly. Peer
less cow halters are made in white poly only.
The Peerless line includes leads, trailer ties and the
new Traveler self-adjusting shipping halters, priced
for give-away use.
The new line is being marketed through regular
Johnson distributors. Johnson is the world’s largest
and oldest manufacturer of rope halters.
Don’t forget the Tuscaloosa Horse Show
June 13- 14-15